Sunday, April 19, 2015

Gentle Exfoliating Mask DIY
While I appreciate a beautifully packaged, luxurious beauty product, there is something very special about making my own skincare treatments. It is a relaxing, enjoyable activity and, of course, an inexpensive way to treat myself. I have been playing chemist with a few ingredients that I wanted to include in a face mask recipe and I came up with a very simple and gentle formula for gently exfoliating and brightening the complexion. It is suitable for most skin types, but I do recommend that you patch-test before applying it on your face, especially if your skin is particularly sensitive or if you are allergic/sensitive to any of the ingredients included.
The first ingredient I chose is grapefruit. I have been wanting to incorporate Vitamin C into my skincare routine, but most of the products I have tried seem to be too strong for my skin and cause irritation. Grapefruit is a great source of Vitamin C and contains a high amount of antioxidants, which carry anti-aging benefits by fighting off free radicals. The key to incorporating grapefruit in the face mask without incurring skin irritation is to keep the concentration very low so that the action is mild. Moreover, avoid exposing your skin to the sun following the mask application, as it can become photosensitive.
Ingredient number two is oatmeal, which for centuries has been used as a soothing and anti-inflammatory agent for the skin thanks to the phenols that it contains. Oatmeal also contains a natural compound called saponin that makes it an effective cleansing agent. When oatmeal softens in contact with liquids, it becomes a gentle exfoliator.
Next is plain, whole-fat yogurt. Yogurt contains lactic acid and enzymes that provide gentle exfoliation, therefore revealing a brighter complexion.
Lastly, I included pure, raw honey. Honey is a natural antibacterial ingredient that moisturizes and heals the skin. It also serves the purpose of making the ingredients bond together, and although it has a sticky consistency, it is actually water soluble, so it rinses off easily.
What you will need:
- A bowl to mix the ingredients
- A knife to cut the grapefruit
- A fork to squeeze the grapefruit and mix the ingredients
- A spoon to apply/remove the mask to/from your skin
- 1/2 cup of uncooked rolled oats
- 1 grapefruit
- 2 tablespoons of raw honey
- 1/2 cup of full fat Yogurt
- A washcloth to remove mask residue from your face
DIY Gentle Exfoliating Mask with Grapefruit, Oatmeal, Yogurt and Honey
Pin your hair back so you won’t get any mask in your hair.
Squeeze half a grapefruit in a bowl (1/4 of the fruit for sensitive skin).
Add rolled oats, yogurt, honey and mix all the ingredients together until a soft, creamy consistency is achieved.
Apply the mask to your face and leave it on for about 15 minutes. (Take advantage of this time and eat the rest of the grapefruit.)
DIY Face Mask Application
If the mask starts to dry out, lay down to prevent dripping.
Gently remove excess oats from your face with a spoon, so you will not have to rinse off the mask in your sink and clog it.
Remove the rest of the mask with a warm, damp washcloth.



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